Skype has an opportunity to provide people new reasons to connect so they can do more things together while they are actively engaging together at any scale. Leveraging additional Microsoft services will provide indispensable experiences that will allow people to express themselves, share moments, create ideas and get things done.

Below are snapshots of what we did

1. Scheduling

Skype can perform date/time parsings in order to facilitate a quick and lightweight scheduling or setting the reminders
right from the conversation thread. Depending on the available complexity of pattern recognition, different level of
feature combination can be achieved (e.g., recognition of “10am” vs. “tomorrow at 10” vs. “meet tomorrow at 10” would
allow for different options of event/reminder pre-configuration, making the scheduling more or less streamlined and

Skype users talk about the time for their next conversation, meeting or call. They should be able to easily add this information to their calendar and possibly be reminded of the event.


Examples of parsing patterns:

today, tonight, tomorrow, next week, at noon, at midnight
in 2 weeks, in an hour, in 25 min
1 pm, 15:00, 4 o’clock
Wednesday, next Wednesday
October, Oct 13, 13th of October, Oct 13 2014

Examples of complex patterns:

tomorrow at noon
meet tomorrow
sometime tomorrow
don’t forget to pick John tomorrow at noon (assumes that system understands the context of time parsing which can be used to suggest a subject of the event/reminder, date and time at once)
same time tomorrow
don’t forget (trigger phrase that would prompt a reminder creation)


2. Real-time collaboration

Work on an insurance form directly with the agent in real-time



3. Integrate commonly used apps that extend Skype functionality directly into Skype

Users should be able to easily share common tasks with each other



4. Video call summary

Leave a memory of a video call through images and text transcripts.
